Going Live!

We're LIVE!

It's been a long time coming! I have been pondering whether to do something like this for a long time, and I made the decision to bite the bullet and go for it over New Years 2019.

6 months later and I'm here! I've done everything myself to save on money - all the graphic design, labeling, website - everything. It's been a huge learning curve and I've loved every moment.

I've spent hundreds of hours researching my products, product testing, attending courses and sourcing suppliers for what I can't provide myself.

Thank you to my friends and family who have provided advice and encouragement along the way - especially during the logo dramas haha! And I want to especially thank my husband John for looking after Hayley on the many weekends I've spent working full time on my business.

I hope you all enjoy what I have to offer - I'm working on a whole heap of new and exciting products too so stay tuned!

Posted: Thursday 13 June 2019


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